Monday, April 4, 2011


Get your mind out of the gutter, readers.

There is nothing that I hate more than a person that guzzles tons of soda, water, tea, whatever at a restaurant. I totally understand if you're thirsty when you come in and immediately slam down a drink for me to refill that you hang on to for the rest of the evening.
Last night I had a family of five come in. Two adults and three children. The kids, mind you, were drinking sodas and sweet tea. The parents didn't really matter, but they were drinking the same. There was one child guzzling Coke like it was going out of style. I kid you not that he probably went through about twenty sodas ALONE while they were there. Not to mention the numerous drinks the parents and other two children went through. It wouldn't be a big deal if we were incredibly slow and they were my only table to keep track of, but at that time I had an 8-top and three other tables. When someone is guzzling like that and you have tons of other tables, it puts you in panic mode. For the record, their drinks never went empty.

My first problem with this, though, is that they let Child #1 go through (I'M NOT KIDDING) about twenty cokes, and Child #2 go through about 7 sweet teas. Child #3, a girl, only had two cokes. I mean, I guess if their children are bouncing off the walls at home later because of that, it's their own problem and I don't have to deal with it. Come on, though! That is so totally bad for them. As a mother myself, I can't imagine letting Brennan go through that much soda! Two tops and then water after that! It's just INSANE!

My second problem is that the family overall was just completely disrespectful. I busted my butt going back and forth to their table and they never said thank you. (Rude!) Then left me a less than desirable tip at the end of the meal.

Case in point: I had just brought a refill to the dad, and would have brought another but at the time the kid that goes through too much soda had a full glass. By the time I got back with a refill he had almost sucked it down. While I was standing right there the kid says, "Dad! I need more COKE!" And sucked it down right there. Also accompanied with a LOUD slurping noise as he finished his glass. I almost punched a kid in that moment.

The parents never said a word to the child about his behavior and it was just appalling that they could disrespect me that way. I realize that waiting tables isn't glamorous, but I'm a human being too and I deserve a bit of respect.

If you think you're a guzzler, do everyone a favor and bring a gallon of your favorite drink. :) Or, warn the waiter in advance. OR, at the VERY least THANK YOUR SERVER and leave them a good tip for busting their butts to keep your drink refilled.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Yeah, I totally agree. Man, I can't believe that kid drank that much, much less soda? What were there parents' thinking? Wow. ... Not acceptable.
